Journal Articles
Ahouansou, D.M.M., Agodzo, S.K., Awoye, O.H.R., Balle, R.G.A. and Sintondji, L.O. (2018). Analysis of the Seasonal Variation of Groundwater Quality in a Highly Cultivated Catchment, Northern Benin. American Journal of Water Resources, 6(6), 224-234,
Amadou, M.L., Villamor, G.B. and Kyei-Baffour, N. (2018). Simulating agricultural land-use adaptation decisions to climate change: An empirical agent-based modelling in northern Ghana. Agricultural Systems, 166, 196-209,
Badmos, B.K., Adenle, A.A., Agodzo, S.K., Villamor, G.B., Asare-Kyei, D.K., Amadou, L.M. and Odai, S.N. (2018a). Micro-level social vulnerability assessment towards climate change adaptation in semi-arid Ghana, West Africa. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20(5), 2261-2279,
Badmos, B.K., Villamor, G.B., Agodzo, S.K. and Odai, S.N. (2018b). Local level impacts of climatic and non-climatic factors on agriculture and agricultural landuse dynamic of in rural northern Ghana. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 39 (2): 178 – 191,
Akpa, L.Y., N’Da, H.D., Boateng, K. and Bruno, K.K. (2019). Impact of Cashew Plantation on Carbon Stock in the Forest-Savanna Transition Zone (North-East Cote D'ivoire). International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 27(2), 591-598, ISSN 2028-9324,
Thiombiano, B.A., Ouédraogo, D., Le, Q.B. and S.N. Odai (2018). Role of climate change awareness in sustainable soil nutrient management by smallholder farms in Burkina Faso. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13 (06): 294-301,
Traore, S.S., Forkuo, E.K., Traore, P.C. and Landmann, T. (2015). Assessing the inter-relationship between vegetation productivity, rainfall, population and land cover over the Bani River Basin in Mali (West Africa). IOSR Journal of Engineering, 5(6), 10-18,
Traore, S.S., Landmann, T., Forkuo, E.K., and Traore, P.C.S. (2014). Assessing long-term trends in vegetation productivity change over the Bani River Basin in Mali (West Africa). Journal of Geography and Earth Sciences, 2(2),
Trawally, D.N.A., Webber, H., Agyare, W. A., Fosu, M., Naab, J., and Gaiser, T. (2015). Modelling heat stress effect on two maize varieties in Northern Region of Ghana. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science (GARJAS), 4(3): ISSN: 2315-5094, 145-155
Aabeyir, R. and Agyare, W.A. (2020). Woodland access arrangement for charcoal production and its influence on woodland degradation in Kintampo Municipality, Ghana. Scientific African, 10, e00572,
Aabeyir, R., Adu-Bredu, S., Agyare, W.A. and Weir, M.J.C. (2016). Empirical evidence of the impact of commercial charcoal production on woodland in the Forest-Savannah transition zone, Ghana. Energy for Sustainable Development, 33, 84–95,
Aabeyir, R., Adu-Bredu, S., Agyare, W.A. and Weir, M.J.C. (2020). Allometric models for estimating aboveground biomass in the tropical woodlands of Ghana, West Africa. For. Ecosyst. 7, 41.
Aabeyir, R., Agyare W.A., Weir, M.J.C. and Adu-Bredu, S. (2017). Multi-Level Land Cover Change Analysis in the Forest-Savannah Transition Zone of the Kintampo Municipality, Ghana. Journal of Natural Resources and Development, 07, 01 – 11,
Appiah, D.O., Bugri, J.T. and Forkuo E.K. (2016). Land use conversion probability in a Peri-urban District of Ghana. Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies, 3(3):1-21,
Appiah, D.O., Bugri, J.T., Forkuo E.K. and Yamba S. (2016). Agricultural and Forest Land Use Potential for REDD+ among Smallholder Land Users in Rural Ghana. International Journal of Forestry Research, 2016, 7218305,
Appiah, D.O., Forkuo, E.K., Bugri, J.T. and Apreku, T.O. (2017). Geospatial analysis of land use and land cover transitions from 1986–2014 in a peri-urban Ghana. Geosciences, 7(4), 125,
Appiah, D.O., Schröder, D., Forkuo, E.K. and Bugri, J.T. (2015). Application of geo-information techniques in land use and land cover change analysis in a peri-urban district of Ghana. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(3), 1265-1289,
Chabi, A., Lautenbach, S., Tondoh, J.E., Orekan, V.O.A., Adu-Bredu, S., Kyei-Baffour, N., Mama, V.J. and Fonweban, J. (2019). The relevance of using in situ carbon and nitrogen data and satellite images to assess aboveground carbon and nitrogen stocks for supporting national REDD+ programmes in Africa. Carbon Balance and Management, 14, 12,
Danumah, J.H., Odai, S.N., Saley, B.M., Szarzynski, J., Thiel, M., Adjei, K.A., Kouame, F.K. and Akpa, L.Y. (2016). Flood risk assessment and mapping in Abidjan district using multi-criteria analysis (AHP) model and geoinformation techniques, (Cote d’ivoire). Geoenvironmental Disasters, 3(10),
Danumah, J.H., Odai, S.N., Saley, M.B., Akpa, L.Y., Szarzynski, J. and Kouame, F.K. (2017). Change and Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Indices During 1960–2010 and 2011–2100 in Abidjan District (Côte d’Ivoire). In Climate Change Research at Universities (pp. 291-306). Springer International Publishing.
Danumah, J.H., Odai, S.N., Saley, M.B., Szarzynski, J., Adjei, K.A. and Kouame, F.K. (2016). A Stochastic Weather Generator Model for Hydroclimatic Prevision in Urban Floods Risk Assessment in Abidjan District (Cote d’Ivoire). In Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation (pp. 211-223). Springer International Publishing,
Danumah, J.H., Saley, M.B., Odai, S.N., Thiel, M., and Akpa, L.Y. (2016). Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Latest Development and Structure of Abidjan District, Cote d’Ivoire. Geoinfor Geostat: An Overview 5:1,
Diwediga, B., Agodzo, S., Wala, K. and Le, Q.B. (2017). Assessment of multifunctional landscapes dynamics in the mountainous basin of the Mo River (Togo, West Africa). Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(5), 579-605,
Diwediga, B., Le, Q. B., Agodzo, S. and Wala, K. (2017). Potential storages and drivers of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen across river basin landscape: The case of Mo river basin (Togo) in West Africa. Ecological Engineering, 99, 298-309,
Diwediga, B., Le, Q.B., Agodzo, S.K., Tamene, L.D. and Wala, K. (2018). Modelling soil erosion response to sustainable landscape management scenarios in the Mo River Basin (Togo, West Africa). Science of the Total Environment, 625, 1309-1320,
Dessalegn, B., Diwediga, B. and Zucca, C. (2019). Participatory selection of context-specific soil and water conservation practices for northern Nigeria. Technical Report. International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA). Rabat, Morocco, 24 pp. May 2019,
Diwediga B., Dessalegn B. and Zucca C. (2019). Participatory selection of options of soil and water conservation practices and water harvesting systems, and site demonstration of some options in the Savannah belt of Northern Nigeria. Technical Report. International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA). Rabat, Morocco, 97 pp. January 2019,
Faye, L.C., Sambou, H., Kyereh, B. and Sambou, B. (2016). Land use and land cover change in a community-managed forest in South-Eastern Senegal under a formal forest management regime. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 5(1), 1-10,
Zoungrana, B.J-B., Conrad, C., Thiel, M., Amekudzi, L.K. and Da, E.D. (2018). MODIS NDVI trends and fractional land cover change for improved assessments of vegetation degradation in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Journal of Arid Environments, 153: 66–75,
Asare, Y.M., Forkuo, E.K., Forkuor, G. and Thiel, M. (2020). Evaluation of gap-filling methods for Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off image for LULC classification in a heterogeneous landscape of West Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(7), 2544-2564,
Coulibaly, M., Adu-Bredu, S., Diwediga, B., Traore, S.S. and Yao. N.Y. (2020). Historical Changes in CO2 Emissions and Removals from Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Sudan Savannah Ecological Zone of Ghana, Journal of Environment and Ecology, 11(2)
Koglo, Y.S., Agyare, W.A., Diwediga, B., Sogbedji, J.M., Adden, A.K. and Gaiser, T. (2018). Remote sensing-based and participatory analysis of forests, agricultural land dynamics, and potential land conservation measures in Kloto District (Togo, West Africa). Soil Systems, 2(3), 49,
Koglo, Y.S., Agyare, W.A., Villamor, G., Kokou, K., Gaiser, T., Sogbedji, J.M. and Moussa, S. (2018). Tropical Forests in the Context of Climate Change: From Drivers, Policies to REDD+ Actions and Intensity Analysis–A Review. Preprints, 2018050198
Koglo, Y.S., Gaiser, T., Agyare, W.A., Sogbedji, J.M. and Kouami, K. (2019). Implications of some major human-induced activities on forest cover using extended change matrix quantity and intensity analysis based on historical Landsat data from the Kloto District, Togo. Ecological Indicators 96 (1), 628-634,
Moussa, S., Kuyah, S., Kyereh, B., Tougiani, A. and Mahamane, S. (2020). Diversity and structure of urban forests of Sahel cities in Niger. Urban Ecosystems, 23(4), 851-864,
Moussa, S., Kyereh, B., Tougiani, A. A. and Saadou, M. (2018). Carbon Stocks of neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) in different urban land use and Land Cover types in Niamey City, Niger, West Africa. South Asian Journal of Biological Research, 1, 153-165.
Moussa, S., Kyereh, B., Tougiani, A., Kuyah, S. and Saadou, M. (2019). West African Sahelian cities as source of carbon stocks: Evidence from Niger. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50:101653,
Neya, O., Neya, T., Abunyewa, A.A., Zoungrana, B.J.B., Tiendrebeogo, H., Dimobe, K. and Korahire, J.A. (2020). Land Use Land Cover Dynamics and Farmland Intensity Analysis at Ouahigouya Municipality of Burkina Faso, West Africa. American Journal of Climate Change, 9(1), 23-33,
Neya, T., Abunyewa, A., Neya, O., Zoungrana, B.J., Dimobe, K., Tiendrebeogo, H. and Magistro, J. (2020). Carbon Sequestration Potential and Marketable Carbon Value of Smallholder Agroforestry Parklands Across Climatic Zones of Burkina Faso: Current Status and Way Forward for REDD+ Implementation. Environmental Management, 65(2), 203-211,
Neya, T., Abunyewa, A.A., Neya, O. and Callo-Concha, D. (2019). Trade-off of Tree Conservation and Crop Production on Agroforestry Parklands in Burkina Faso. Journal of Agricultural Studies, 7(1), 41-54,
Neya, T., Neya, O. and Abunyewa, A. A. (2018). Agroforestry parkland profiles in three climatic zones of Burkina Faso. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 12(5), 2119-2131
Nyamekye, C., Thiel, M., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Zoungrana, B.J.B. and Amekudzi, L.K. (2018). Soil and water conservation in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Sustainability, 10(9), 3182;
Okafor, G.C., and Ogbu, K.N. (2018). Assessment of the impact of climate change on the freshwater availability of Kaduna River basin, Nigeria. Journal of Water and Land Development, 38, 105-114.
Okafor, G.C., Annor, T., Odai, S.N. and Larbi, I. (2020). Land Use Landcover Change Monitoring and Projection in the Dano Catchment, Southwest Burkina Faso. International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, 9 (1), 3185-3204.
Sonko, E., Agodzo, S.K. and Antwi-Agyei, P. (2019). Evaluating the Yield Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to Future Climate Variability in The Gambia. Journal of Agricultural Studies, 7(2), 11-26,
Sonko, E., Florkowski, W. J., Agodzo, S.K. and Antwi-Agyei, P. (2020). Subsistence farmer knowledge of strategies alleviating food insecurity in the context of climate change in the lower river region of the Gambia. Food Security, 12(3), 607-624,
Sonko, E., Florkowski, W., Agodzo, S.K. and Antwi-Agyei, P. (2019). Farmer choice of strategies alleviating food insecurity due to changing weather patterns. Southern Agricultural Economics Association, 2019 Annual Meeting, February 2-5, 2019, Birmingham, Alabama 284275,
Thiam, S., Villamor, G.B., Faye, L.C., Henri, J., Sène, B., Diwediga, B. and Kyei-Baffour, N. (2021). Monitoring land use and soil salinity changes in coastal landscape: A case study from Senegal. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193, 259
Thiam, S., Villamor, G.B., Kyei-Baffour, N. and Matty, F. (2019). Soil salinity assessment and coping strategies in the coastal agricultural landscape in Djilor district, Senegal. Land Use Policy, 88, 104191,
Ezeh, C.U., Ragatoa, D.S., Sanou, C.L. and Emeribe, C.N. (2020). A review of the Impacts of COVID-19: Lessons for Africa. Parana Journal of Science and Education, 6(4), 65-70,
Koné, I, Agyare, W.A., Gaiser, T., Owusu-Prempeh, N, Kouadio, K-K.H., Kouadio, E.N. and Amponsah, W. (2022). Local cotton farmers’ perceptions of climate change events and adaptations strategies in cotton basin of Cote d'Ivoire. Journal of Sustainable Development, 15(3), 108-124,
Koné, I., Kouadio, K-K.H., Kouadio, E.N., Agyare, W.A., Owusu-Prempeh, N., Amponsah, W. and Gaiser, T. (2022). Assessment of Soil Fertility Status in Cotton-Based Cropping Systems in Cote d’Ivoire. Frontier in Soil Science, 2:959325,
Sanou, C. L., Agodzo, S. K., Bessah, E., and Antwi-Agyei, P. (2023). Assessing crop–livestock water productivity in mixed-farming systems across climatic zones of Burkina Faso. Water Practice & Technology, 18(11), 2577-2591.
Sanou, C.L., Neya, O., Agodzo, S.K., Antwi-Agyei, P., Bessah, E., Belem, M. and Balima, L.H. (2023). Trends and impacts of climate change on crop production in Burkina Faso. Journal of Water and Climate Change (2023) 14 (8): 2773–2787.
Thiam, H. I., Owusu, V., Villamor, G. B., Schuler, J., & Hathie, I. (2024). Farmers’ intention to adapt to soil salinity expansion in Fimela, Sine-Saloum area in Senegal : A structural equation modelling approach. Land Use Policy, 137, 106990.
Ragatoa, D. S., Amekudzi, L. K., Fink, A. H., Maranan, M., Klutse, N. A. B., Edjame, K. S., and Ogunjobi, K. O. (2024). Droughts and heatwaves in the West African monsoon system. International Journal of Climatology, 1–25.
Dembele, F., Tang, R., Boateng, P., Boakye, D., Asare, M., Aryee, J. N. A., and Adu-bredu, S. (2024). Land use land cover change and intensity analysis of land transformation in and around a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. Trees, Forests and People, 15(January).
Yunusa, S. U., Mensah, E., Preko, K., Narra, S., Saleh, A., Sanfo, S., Isiaka, M., Dalha, I. B., and Abdulsalam, M. (2023). Biomass cookstoves: A review of technical aspects and recent advances. Energy Nexus, 11, 100225. ELSEVIER
S. U. Yunusa, E. Mensah, K. Preko, S. Sanfo, A. Saleh (2023). A comprehensive review on the technical aspects of biomass briquetting. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. SPRINGER
Yunusa, S. U., Mensah, E., Preko, K., Narra, S., Saleh, A., and Sanfo, S. (2024). Assessing the nexus between household dynamics and cooking energy choice: Evidence from Kaduna state, northwestern Nigeria. Energy Nexus (Elsevier), 15, 100310.
S. U. Yunusa, E. Mensah, K. Preko, S. Sanfo, A. Saleh & N. H. Sadiq (2023). Characterization of three lignocellulosic biomass materials as novel binders in briquette production. International Conference on Circular Economy, Renewable Energies and Green Hydrogen in Africa (ICERA). 19th to 21st September, 2023. Kumasi Ghana
S. U. Yunusa, E. Mensah, K. Preko, S. Sanfo, A. Saleh and N. H. Sadiq (2023). Evaluation of selected physical and thermochemical properties of rice husk of one- and two-stage milling for briquette production. Nigeria Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) International Conference. 30th October to 3rd November, 2023. Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Yunusa S. U, Mensah E., Preko, K., and Saleh, A. (2024). Biomass briquette production using a novel binder: A comparative quality analysis between two types of rice husks in Nigeria. 18th Rostock Biomass Forum, (20th -21st June, 2024), University of Rostock, Germany.
Biney, E., Forkuo, E. K., Poku-Boansi, M., Asare, Y. M., Hackman, K. O., Yankey, D. B.,and Annan, E. (2024). A comprehensive analysis and future projection of land use and land cover dynamics in a fast-growing city: A case study of Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis, Ghana. Scientific African, 24, e02207.
Biney, E., Forkuo, E. K., Poku-Boansi, M., & Asare, Y. M. (2024). Geospatial assessment of urban sprawl in Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, Ghana from 1991 to 2023. African Geographical Review, 1-18.
Annan, E., Amponsah, W., Adjei, K. A., Disse, M., Hounkpè, J., Biney, E., Agbenorhevi, A. E. & Agyare, W. A. (2024). Spatio-temporal Land Use and Land Cover Change Assessment: Insights from the Ouémé River basin. Scientific African, 25, e02262.